Wednesday, 16 - 18 November 2016, SAHRMI (South Australian Health & Medical Research Institute)


The central theme of the EMBL Australia 2016 Symposium will be Unravelling Nature’s Secrets- Using science to see beyond.


This Symposium will focus on the use of new technologies and techniques to conceptually and practically model both disease and the environment. This meeting will examine a range of fields including the next generation sequencing revolution, the application of innovative in vivo molecular imaging techniques, the molecular characterisation of signalling pathways and the development of innovative drug design strategies.

Furthermore, the 2016 Symposium aims to expand its focus on additional conventional topics by examining fields such as indigenous health and bioinformatics as well as environmental, plant and animal biology. This broadly-themed symposium will bring together interstate and international researchers from many disciplines, enabling the development of exciting new cross-disciplinary projects with a higher potential for clinical translation.

The main aim of the EMBL Australia PhD Symposium is to allow research students to present their work to a professional but less intimidating audience than open-level symposiums. This will facilitate interaction and stimulate discussion that is often lacking among students and early career researchers attending larger symposiums.

To make the symposium more accessible to interstate students we are subsidising the cost of accommodation at YHA Adelaide; only a short walk from SAHMRI. Availability is limited so be sure to register early to avoid disappointment. We will also be hosting a significantly subsidised conference dinner at the Adelaide Pavilion. If you are one of the first 25 early bird tickets to register, you will get a free conference dinner.

Abstract submissions close: Friday, 2 September 2016


  • Professor John Quakenbush (Harvard University & Dana-Faber Cancer Institute)
  • Professor Nadia Rosenthal (Jackson Laboratory)
  • A/Professor David Lynn (SAHMRI)
  • A/Professor Geoff Faulkner (Mater Research – University of Queensland)
  • Dr Misty Jenkins (Walter and Eliza Hall Institute)
  • Professor Ross Hannan (John Curtin School of Medical Research)
  • Professor Michelle Haber (Therapeutic Children’s Cancer Institute & UNSW, Faculty of Medicine)
  • A/Professor Julia Heng (Harry Perkins Institute, Perth)

To register and secure your place, please visit the EMBL PhD symposium website.​ You can also learn more about SAHMRI on their website

Find the EMBL Australia PhD Symposium on Facebook and Twitter, follow the conversation with #EAPS16.

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