EMBL Australia and the Partner Laboratory Network host institutes are committed to supporting a gender-diverse & inclusive work environment, ensuring equal employment opportunity to attract and retain the best researchers in their field.

The objective of the EMBL Australia Gender Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (GEDI) Action Plan is to achieve equal representation and recognition of group leaders in the recruitment and review processes, irrespective of gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, disability or cultural background.


Our aim is to recruit, retain and train aspirational scientific talent through a thorough process underpinned by our GEDI Action Plan and incorporated in the EMBL Australia recruitment and review guidelines, which support our partners in engaging fair and equitable processes and procedures at each stage of the recruitment and review process.

The Action Plan provides a framework for the EMBL Australia COO and Scientific Head to proactively support and work with host institutions to achieve equity and diversity within the network.

The GEDI Action Plan is designed to complement host institution policies and procedures. Where a host institution has policies relevant to gender equity, diversity and inclusion, the host institution co-chair is expected to uphold workplace requirements.

The EMBL Australia GEDI Action Plan 2023 – 2028 was developed in conjunction with a specifically formed working group, consisting of members of our various partner institutes and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory, and endorsed by the EMBL Australia Council in December 2022.

A key driver of the GEDI Action Plan was to increase the participation of women in EMBL Australia Group Leader positions and to reap the benefits of a balanced and diverse workforce, including increased performance in decision-making, innovation, ability to attract the best candidates and job satisfaction for all genders.

Our 20 key actions are categorised into three focus areas: attract, evaluate and retain and support.

Read the GEDI Action Plan in full