News this quarter:
- Lights out for Parkinson’s disease
- Major Cancer Council grant for Dr Weatheritt
- Discovery may help boost peptide design
- Professor David Lynn talks everything COVID vaccines
- 2021 EMBL Australia PhD Course applications
- 2021 EMBL Australia Postgraduate Symposium registrations now open
- 2020 Highlights report now available
And more:
- Job opportunities
- Student opportunities
- Upcoming events
- Recent publications
News this quarter:
- A tribute to Scientia Professor Katharina Gaus FAHMS
- Reversing severe muscle wasting in disease, ageing & trauma
- Hint as to how SARS-CoV-2 might subvert immune defences
- Enabling the early and accurate diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease
- More than $4.8m awarded to EMBL Australia researchers in NHMRC Ideas Grants
- This protein empowers cancer cells – targeting it could kickstart new therapies
- Professor Ian Smith to chair the EMBL Australia Council
- Innovative research takes us one step closer to developing an effective malaria vaccine
- Did you know you can access EMBL’s cutting-edge scientific services?
- Get to know: Dr Vaishnavi Ananthanarayanan
And more:
- Job opportunities
- Upcoming events
- Recent publications
News this quarter:
- Chen Davidovich awarded coveted Viertel Fellowship
- Creating a new, integrated microscopy & proteomics asset
- Two group leaders receive ARC Discovery Project grants
- Cancer-killing T cells ‘swarm’ to tumours, attract others to fight
- Welcome to our newest group leader, Dr Vaishnavi Ananthanarayanan
- Virtual EAPS an actual success
- Visualising the Australian coronavirus genome
And more:
- Job opportunities
- Student opportunities
- Upcoming events
- Recent publications
News this quarter:
- Perspectives on COVID-19 from the European experience
- Keratins determine cell fate in early mammalian development
- Two group leaders awarded ARC Future Fellowships
- #2020EAPS: Register for our online postgraduate symposium
- Group leader spearheads novel method of enhancing regenerative activity
- Using stem cells to treat muscle injury and wasting disorders
- Get to Know: Associate Professor Max Cryle
And more:
- Job opportunities
- Student opportunities & upcoming events
- Recent publications
News this quarter:
- Our group leaders join the global battle against COVID-19
- Leap forward in the generation of new antibiotics
- New genomics centre to open under David Lynn’s leadership
- Prof Peter Currie elected as Fellow of the Science Academy
- Gene research could lead to cancer breakthrough
- Annual student symposium EAPS to go virtual in 2020
- Emerging leader wins grant for basic research on enzymes
- Get to Know: Professor David Lynn
And more:
- Job opportunities
- Student opportunities
- Recent publications
News this quarter:
- Fish school by randomly copying each other, not the group
- Travel grants: a ticket to Europe, news ideas, networks & more
- Major cell network mapping reveals rewiring in colorectal cancer
- Grant to investigate the function of circular RNAs in the brain
- 3D-printed microscope makes sensitive disease diagnosis more accessible
- Applications closing for annual EMBL Australia PhD Course
And more:
- Job opportunities
- Upcoming events
- Recent publications
- Student opportunities
News this quarter:
- Six group leaders awarded NHMRC Ideas Grants
- ARC Grant for novel study of brain function using plant receptors
- Group leader position at UNSW
- High hopes for futuristic tissue-healing method
- Science by the sea: EMBL Partnership Conference
- Max Cryle to lead Victorian node of new $35 million ARC research centre
- EAPS 2019: Student-run symposium continues to shine
- Profile: Dr Senthil Arumugam, EMBL Australia group leader
And more:
- Job opportunities
- Upcoming events
- Recent publications
- Student opportunities
News this quarter:
- Study shines light on mysteries of ‘unusual’ antibiotic
- Grant success for Group Leader Mikaël Martino
- 6th EMBL Australia PhD Course
- Funding Science, Funding Futures: European Approaches
- EMBL in Australia 2019
- Short-term travel grants – apply now!
- 2019 EMBL Australia Postgraduate Symposium (EAPS)
And more:
- Job opportunities
- Upcoming events
- Recent publications
- Student opportunities
News this quarter:
- Scientists reveal key mechanism of enzyme complex
- Accelerate your career with an EMBL Australia scholarship
- Short-term travel grants to EMBL- apply now!
- Get to know Eduardo Eyras
And more:
- Job opportunities
- Upcoming events
- Recent publications
- Student opportunities
News this quarter:
- Peptide papers point to new ways of tackling bacteria
- NHMRC & ARC grant results
- Homeward Bound: the network of women changing the world
- The 5th annual EAPS update
- Supporting the application and development of optogenetics in academia and industry
And more:
- Job opportunities
- Upcoming events
- Recent publications
- Student opportunities
- Get to know Dr Barry Thompson