News / 22 February 2017

The UNSW in collaboration with EMBL Australia are hosting international scientists during a mini-sabbatical to work more closely with the team at the EMBL Australia Node of Single Molecule Science at UNSW. Join us to exchange ideas, develop collaborations, and take advantage of our facilities, which includes a suite of powerful imaging tools.

The scientist in residence program was created to embed sabbatical visitors (coming for a couple of weeks to a few months) into the EMBL Australia node in Single Molecule Science (SMS) at the UNSW. They would typically work with a group in SMS on joint experiments but are available to all students and staff for exchange of ideas and discussion. They are expected to give a seminar while they are visiting. The idea is to build new collaborations, especially those involving a combination of expertise in SMS and the particular expertise/experimental approach from the visitor.

The objectives of Scientist in Residence is to strengthen ties with researchers internationally; to mutually enrich our research programs via collaborations; and to provide an introduction to visitors to Sydney, Australia.

To find out more about Scientist in Residence programme, contact Katharina Gaus or Andrew Nakhla.

More information is available on the UNSW website.

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