Please contact Annette ( if you would like more information on any of the Monash Platforms listed below.

BIOINFORMATICS The Monash Bioinformatics Platform exists to create a hub for bioinformatics activities at Monash. We have a core group of bioinformaticians with broad expertise and are building a loosely linked community of bioinformaticians across all of Monash. We are always available to help with specialist advice on experimental design or analysis. We also collaborate with groups around Monash on specific research projects. We also teach scientists bioinformatics analysis skills through our hands on training workshops.
DRUG CANDIDATE OPTIMISATION The Centre for Drug Candidate Optimisation (CDCO) is a collaborative research centre based within the Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences that undertakes drug candidate optimisation to accelerate and enhance drug discovery and development for commercial, not-for-profit and academic research organisations. Drug candidate optimisation is a critical value-creating step in drug discovery/development which enhances the future developmental and commercial potential of candidate drugs through optimisation of their metabolic, physicochemical, pharmacokinetic and bioavailability properties.
CRYO-ELECTRON MICROSCOPY The Monash Ramaciotti Centre is a leading facility for life sciences electron microscopy. It houses Australia’s first Titan Krios microscope, currently the most advanced microscope for biological EM. The facility’s expert team supports and collaborates on a large number of bio EM techniques ranging from standard SEM and TEM to immuno EM, correlative light and electron microscopy, cryo tomography and single particle analysis.
DATA SCIENCE AND AI The Monash Data Science and AI platform provides a stepping stone for researchers towards applying Data Science, Machine Learning and AI to their data  intensive research. In conjunction with the Monash Data Future Institute, the platform acts as a catalyst for major discoveries and translation into world-changing  solutions.
FLOWCORE FlowCore provides flow cytometry services to researchers within Monash University and the wider scientific community. Flow cytometry is a high speed laser based technology enabling users to generate multiparametric data about the size and shape of the proteins associated with cells or particles of interest. Flow cytometry is a powerful tool in many fields including immunology, stem cell science, cancer research, aquatic biology and plant biology.
The Genome Modification Platform provides unique tools to study gene regulation, expression and function in a physiologically relevant context. The team of highly skilled scientists have an established record of delivering targeting and transgenic constructs for any animal models, targeted mouse/rat ES clones and knock in/out transgenic mice or rats.
HELIX Helix, a health data ecosystem operated by expert staff and underpinned by world-class research infrastructure, spearheads a new era in healthcare research that  will drive personalised medicine and significantly accelerate progress towards a healthier society. This capability is an initiative of Monash University working  collaboratively with key health partners, including Alfred, Eastern, Monash and Peninsula Health.
ANIMAL RESEARCH PLATFORM The Monash Animal Research Platform (MARP) provides laboratory animal services from several facilities across the Clayton and Parkville campuses and at the Gippsland Field Station. MARP supports approved research projects through high quality supply and care of laboratory animals. We are specialised in rodent supply and reproduction, customised breeding programs and management of the non-human primate facility.
MASSIVE The Multi-modal Australian ScienceS Imaging and Visualisation Environment (MASSIVE) is Australia’s specialised high performance computing facility for imaging and visualisation. MASSIVE provides hardware, software and expertise to drive research in biomedical sciences, materials research, engineering and geosciences – with particular focus on neuroscience and molecular imaging. We focus on fast data processing, including processing data in-experiment, large-scale visualisation, and analysis of large-cohort and longitudinal research studies. The project is a collaboration between Monash University, CSIRO, the Australian Synchrotron, the ARC CoE in Integrative Brain Function, and the ARC CoE in Advanced Molecular Imaging.
ANTIBODY TECHNOLOGIES MATF is a global source of cost effective, high affinity, custom monoclonal antibodies. The team of highly skilled scientists employ well-established standard operating procedures, along with the latest robotic techniques, to deliver high quality antibodies in a typical time frame of 12-16 weeks.
MONASH BIOMEDICAL IMAGING The Monash Biomedical Imaging (MBI) facilities are a Monash University led consortium of hospitals and research organisations that facilitate and accommodate interdisciplinary and multi-modal (PET, SPECT, FLECT X-ray, CT and MRI) imaging research, including pre-clinical and clinical collaborations. These facilities are co-located with the national synchrotron biomedical imaging beam line, and are being increasingly utilised for cutting edge research conducted by scientists from across the country.
ALFRED RESEARCH  ALLIANCE – MONASH BIOMEDICAL IMAGING At Monash Biomedical Imaging (MBI), our full suite of multimodal and simultaneous imaging equipment alongside human testing facilities, support researchers from various disciplines to conduct their preclinical and clinical research. Our expert research support teams and administrative staff  provide valuable guidance to enhance research project outcomes with the imaging data obtained using our range of technologies.
FRAGMENT PLATFORM The Monash Fragment Platform (MFP) provides academic and commercial researchers with access to fragment-based drug discovery (FBDD) technologies for their therapeutic targets. The facilities are located at the Monash Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences (MIPS) in Parkville, Australia’s largest and most successful pharmaceutical institute. FBDD screening uses our high-quality, in-house fragment library designed to maximise chemical space coverage and enable rapid hit optimisation. Screening cascades are tailored for each target and can be performed using a variety of techniques including NMR spectroscopy and our state-of-the-art surface plasmon resonance (SPR) facility. Structural biology and medicinal chemistry expertise utilising our standardized REFIL strategy enables the rapid elaboration of fragments into leads without the requirement for a large chemistry program.
HISTOLOGY Monash Histology Platform (MHP) is a world class, full service histology laboratory committed to excellence, quality, consultation, clinical evaluation and collaboration. It provides all paraffin, frozen section and specialist histological processing, cutting and staining requirements. A full consultation and collaboration service, expert training in all histological techniques, specialist methacrylate and epoxy resin methods, microscopic and digital imaging, TMA generation and automated immunohistochemical techniques are also available.
MICROMON GENOMICS Micromon Genomics is a research driven platform that provides cutting edge services in DNA and RNA technologies including Next-generation sequencing (NGS) and Sanger sequencing to the broader research community. These services are supported by the provision of DNA and RNA sizing, quantitation and QC, custom oligonucleotide synthesis, Real-time PCR, Covaris shearing, and microarray scanning. Micromon also runs skills training courses and workshops including its highly reputed six-day molecular biology course that provides training in the essential skills of recombinant DNA technology, as well as specialist data analysis and NGS workshops. Micromon staff are recognised for their expertise in project management, guidance and technical troubleshooting.
MACROMOLECULAR CRYSTALLISATION Macromolecular crystallography provides unparalleled details of the 3D structures of biological macromolecules and provides the basis for the rational design of therapeutics. The Monash Macromolecular Crystallisation Facility delivers access to a fully automated platform for the high-throughput crystallisation of biological macromolecules. The use of robotics allows for miniaturisation of crystallisation experiments, which enables screening of a wide range of conditions with/from limited sample volumes.
MICRO IMAGING MMI is a world class imaging facility, consisting of core laboratories at the Clayton campus (MMI-Advanced Optical Imaging Facility) and specialised imaging nodes at Monash Health Translation Precinct (MMI-MHTP, Clayton) and the AMREP (MMI-AMREP, Prahran). MMI technologies include advanced light microscopy, fluorescence and confocal microscopy, multiphoton microscopy, super-resolution microscopy, lightsheet microscopy (both lattice lightsheet and SPIM), dynamic fluorescence applications and bioimage analysis. MMI works closely with other technology platforms such as Histology, CryoEM and eResearch to provide holistic microscopy support.
PROTEOMICS AND METABOLOMICS Mass spectrometry is one of the leading technologies to comprehensively identify and globally quantify proteins and other biomolecules in virtually every biological sample and environment. Due to its unparalleled sensitivity and accuracy, mass spectrometry is the method of choice for a plethora of applications ranging from biomarker discoveries to absolute quantifications of low abundant peptide species. Equipped with the latest mass spectrometric instrumentation, the Monash Proteomics & Metabolomics Facility (MPMF) combines cutting-edge technology with state-of-the-art methodology to provide the best possible results and expertise to customers and collaborators.
METABOLIC PHENOTYPING The miniaturisation of metabolic phenotyping techniques has advanced our understanding of human disease states and their associated complications. However, these techniques are complex. Equipped with the latest in metabolic phenotyping instrumentation and technical
expertise, the Monash Metabolic Phenotyping Facility (MMPF) combines cutting edge technology with state-of-the-art methodology
to provide a sophisticated metabolic phenotyping platform. The protocols and processes performed in our ISO 9001 certified facility are strongly aligned with world-leading phenotyping facilities, allowing for high quality, standardised, and high throughput services, providing the best possible results and expertise to customers and collaborators.