We are excited to announce that the Garvan Institute for Medical Research in Sydney will host the 4th EMBL Australia Postgraduate Symposium (EAPS) later this year. The symposium will run from November 29 to December 1.
Registration is now open.
For announcements regarding guest speakers and travel grant opportunities, follow the EMBL Australia PhD Symposium on Facebook or on Twitter via @EMBLAuSymposium and we’ll be tweeting on the hashtag #EAPS2017.
The event will be organised by students from several states. We wish to thank the organising committee (identified below) for their involvement and wish them well in planning the much-anticipated event.
- Julienne O’Rourke, SVI, Melbourne
- Ashlee Caldwell, SAHMRI, Adelaide
- Andelain Erickson, SAHMRI, Adelaide
- Jasmina Markulic, SVI, Melbourne
- Autumn Bricker, Bio21, Melbourne
- Simon Hardwick, Garvan, Sydney
- Peggy Rentsch, Garvan, Sydney
- Yolanda Sanguino, Garvan, Sydney
- Sandra Brosda, UQ, Brisbane
- Jessica Anania, Burnet, Melbourne
- Tanja Racic, JCSMR, Canberra