EMBL ABR is proud to host a training session by Jason Williams, the Assistant Director, External Collaborations at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory’s DNA Learning Center (www.dnalc.org) and Education, Outreach, and Training lead for CyVerse.
CyVerse enables biologists to store, share, and analyse large, diverse, biological datasets as well as providing the training needed to make use of advanced computational resources including high-performance and cloud computing. Formerly known as ‘iPlant Collaborative’, CyVerse is a national life science cyberinfrastructure project funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation which currently supports a community of more than 30,000 users at every level of bioinformatics experience (from little-to-no bioinformatics training to power user).
Through hands-on demos and guided exercises, workshop participants will get a comprehensive look at CyVerse tools and services for large-scale data analysis. The cases will draw on topics in genomics (including RNA-Seq, assembly, annotation, etc.) and lectures on theory will help you to plan, build, and critique your own experiments.