EMBL Australia presents ‘Beyond Imaging: Visualisations, Analysis & Inference’
Three-day light microscopy workshop, 26-28 April 2023.
Venue: Monash University, Monash Sport, 42 Scenic Boulevard, Main Pavilion, Premiers Room
The workshop will focus on:
- upcoming long-term imaging light-sheet approaches;
- hardwares, analysis approaches and softwares that enable handling and visualisation of data; and
- interpreting measurements with mathematical models.
Please see the full program schedule below (subject to minor change).
Travel grants sponsored by Leica Microsystems.
Event organisers: Senthil Arumugam, Joanna Bischoff, Alex de Marco and James Whisstock.
Imaging Technologies
9:30 am | On-site registration and check in opens |
10:30 am | Welcome Address
EMBL Australia |
11:00 am | Dr. Gokul Upadhyayula University of California, Berkeley Making the invisible visible: measuring and analyzing subcellular dynamics in multicellular systems |
12:00 pm | Tomasz Bednarz
Industry: NVIDIA |
1:00 pm | Lunch |
2:00 pm | Abstract presentation 1 |
2:30 pm | Abstract presentation 2 |
3:00 pm | Abstract presentation 3 |
3:30pm | Coffee and tea break |
4:00 pm | Leica Microsystems Sponsor session |
4:20 pm | Dr. Akanksha Jain ETH Zurich |
Analysis routines and software
10:30 am | Dr Kelly Rogers, Dr Lachlan Whitehead, Cindy Evelyn WEHI Facing the challenges of light sheet microscopy to face the challenges of malaria biology: A two-faced story in three parts |
11:30 am | Coffee and tea break |
11:45 am | Dr Cameron Nowell Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences An Image is Just the Beginning: Simple to Complex Analysis Pipelines |
12:45 pm | Lunch |
2:00 pm | Dr Elvis Pandzic UNSW Quantifying your molecular, organellar and cellular dynamics using image correlative approaches |
3:00 pm | Michael Morehead CEO, SyGlass SyGlass: Visualization, Annotation, and Communication of Very Large Image Volumes in Virtual Reality |
4:00 pm | Josh Moore Open Microscopy Environment OME-Zarr: a cloud-optimized bioimaging file format with international community support |
5:30 pm | Networking and Dinner |
From Measurements to Mechanistic Models
10:30 am | Dr Vijay Rajagopal University of Melbourne The Cell Physiome: What do we need in a computational physiology framework for predicting single cell biology? |
11:30 am | Dr Kishan Dholakia University of Adelaide Structured Light Sheet Microscopy: advances in application and analysis |
12:30 pm | Lunch |
1:30 pm | Dr Yanina Alvarez University of Queensland Live imaging morphogenesis in the quail embryo. |
2:30pm | Abstract Presentation 4 |
3:00 pm | Abstract Presentation 5 |
3:30 pm | Dr Christian Tischer EMBL Big image data visualisation using MoBIE |
4:30 pm | Workshop close |